Lowe  PictureEdward D. Lowe is Professor of Anthropology at Soka University of America.  His research interests concern urban and psychological anthropology, ethnographic and comparative methods, ecocultural studies, kinship, life-span transitions for youth and young adults, and how social, cultural, political, and economic change matters for human well-being.  He conducted research on kinship, family routines, and social change in the islands of Chuuk for over two decades.  He has also studied welfare reform policy, urban poverty, and the production of family routines in the United States for over 15 years.  He has authored or co-authored research articles published in the American Anthropologist; Children and Youth Services Review; Cross-Cultural ResearchCulture, Medicine and Psychiatry, Ethos, and the Journal of Marriage and the Family. He has also authored or co-authored several edited volumes, book chapters, and journal articles, most recently an article on suicide epidemics in Oceania titled “Epidemic Suicide in the Context of Modernizing Social Change in Oceania: A Critical Review and Assessment” (The Contemporary Pacific 31(1): 105-138).  In 2020, Dr. Lowe and Michael Schnegg (University of Hamburg) published a co-edited titled Comparing Cultures: Innovations in Comparative Ethnography (Cambridge University Press).  From 2012 to 2018, Prof. Lowe was the Editor of Ethos: The Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.