INTS Spring 2022 Courses

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 0815-0945 INTS 111 Ogata   INTS 111 Ogata     1000-1130 or 1030-1200 INTS 100 Aggarwal INTS 205 MacLeod INTS 320 Barter INTS 100 Aggarwal   INTS 205 MacLeod INTS 320 Barter   BREAK 1300-1430 INTS 150 Barter INTS 325 England INTS 310 Ogata   INTS 342 Shinozuka INTS…Continue Reading INTS Spring 2022 Courses

INTS alumnus and Professor publish new chapter

INTS alumnus Mahesh Kushwaha (class of 2019) and INTS professor Shane Barter have published a new co-authored book chapter, “Civil War and Peace in the Asia Pacific”. Their chapter provides an overview of different forms of armed conflict in Asia, and how different forms of conflict might be mitigated. The chapter is part of Mark…Continue Reading INTS alumnus and Professor publish new chapter