On Tuesday October 4th at 5pm, Mr. Spencer Potiker will present his work, “Understanding the Cross-Border Supply Chain: Transnational Migration, Urban Development, and Labor in San Diego-Tijuana”. The talk will be held in Maathai 207.

Author Bio: Spencer Potiker holds a B.A. from California State University, Long Beach in Sociology and Economics and an M.A. in Sociology from the University of California, Irvine (UCI). He is a doctoral candidate in the Global and International Studies department at UCI. His research and teaching interests center on global political economy, labor and social movements, immigration, urban and regional development, border studies, critical logistics studies, and anarchist political thought. Spencer’s published research focuses on supply chains, labor movements, and social movements in the global south. His dissertation entitled, “Cross Border Supply Chains and Mobility Regimes: Migration, Labor and Urban Development in the San Diego-Tijuana Transfrontier Metropolis” analyzes how the border effects supply chains, labor movements, and urban development in the San Diego-Tijuana border region.