Below is a draft version of the INTS Spring 2023 Course Schedule. Also included are links to course descriptions.
Also- a reminder that for any course, you can log into Portal and check out syllabi from previous years, which can help give you a better sense of what a course is about (but do feel free to contact the instructor for an updated version).

0815-0945Ogata INTS 111 Gandhi 301England INTS 313 Maathai 3rd floorOgata INTS 111 Gandhi 301England INTS 313 Maathai 3rd floor
Read INTS 210
1000-1130 / 1030-1200Weiner INTS 345 Gandhi 201 1030

Liu INTS 361 Gandhi 203B 1030
Rahman INTS 381 Maathai 403 10am

Esiobu INTS 390 Pauling 430 1030
Weiner INTS 345 Gandhi 201 1030

Liu INTS 361 Gandhi 203B 1030
Rahman INTS 381 Maathai 403 10am

Esiobu INTS 390 Pauling 430 1030
900-1200 Pauling 430

1300-1430Barter INTS 140 Maathai 305Aggarwal INTS 100 Gandhi 202

Brooks INTS 290 Maathai 304
Barter INTS 140 Maathai 305

Hwang INTS 326 Gandhi 419
Aggarwal INTS 100 Gandhi 202

Brooks INTS 290 Maathai 304
Hwang INTS 326 Gandhi 419
1500-1630MacLeod INTS 390 MaathaiShinozuka INTS 215 MAA 404

Esiobu INTS 290 Pauling 430
Hwang INTS 283 Gandhi 301

MacLeod INTS 390 Maathai
Shinozuka INTS 215 MAA 404

Esiobu INTS 290 Pauling 430
Hwang INTS 283 Gandhi 301