Four INTS Alumni Publish with INTS Professor

Four INTS / SUA alumni and INTS faculty member Shane Barter have published a new book chapter, “State Religious Violence”, as part of Religious Violence Today: Faith and Conflict in the Modern World, a two-volume set edited by Michael Jerryson. The 80 page chapter features entries on dozens of religious conflicts, with entries authored with…Continue Reading Four INTS Alumni Publish with INTS Professor

SUA students participated in the Yale International Policy Competition (YIPC) at Yale University

On February 7th – 9th 2020, Moses Addai (Class of 2022), Mary Amde (2020), Bikash Gupta (2020), and Thuy Le (2022) participated in a student-led policy competition to write and present a one-page policy brief on “Natural Disasters Response and Management in the Caribbean”. The competition encouraged students to be in the position of policymakers…Continue Reading SUA students participated in the Yale International Policy Competition (YIPC) at Yale University

INTS Hosts Dr. Andrea Bartoli, the president of the Sant’Egidio Foundation for Peace and Dialogue

On February 10th, Dr. Andrea Bartoli lectured on “The Community of Sant’Egidio and the Insight of Approach: The Challenge of Understanding Peace-Work”. Dr. Bartoli introduced the main pillars of the Sant’Edigio Foundation; prayer, service to the poor, and peace. Based on the Christian community values, the Foundation is committed to protect and serve whoever is in the…Continue Reading INTS Hosts Dr. Andrea Bartoli, the president of the Sant’Egidio Foundation for Peace and Dialogue

Ha Chau Ngo Receives INTS Award for Poster Presentation

Ha Chau Ngo, undergraduate at Soka University of America, and Andrew Nguy, undergraduate at Pomona College were the two winners of the International Studies sponsored undergraduate poster competition at the 56th Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (19-20 October 2018).  Ha Chau won “First Place” and an award for her research and poster…Continue Reading Ha Chau Ngo Receives INTS Award for Poster Presentation

Welcome class of 2022!

On August 9, Ian Read introduced the Concentration to the new class of 2022. INTS faculty look forward to welcoming these students into their classroom and eventually working with them in advanced projects and Capstones….Continue Reading Welcome class of 2022!

INTS alumnus Ian Zatkin-Osburn and Shane Barter publish a paper

INTS Professor Shane Barter and alumnus Ian Zatkin-Osburn have published a new article in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.  The article, “Measuring Religion in War: A Response“, is part of a conversation with noted scholar Isak Svensson about how we study religion in war….Continue Reading INTS alumnus Ian Zatkin-Osburn and Shane Barter publish a paper

Shane Barter and Gabby Garfunkel (2016) Publish Book Review!

International Studies Professor Shane Barter and alumna Gabby Garfunkel have published a review of Religious Diversity in Muslim-Majority States in Southeast Asia by Bernhard Platzdasch and Johan Saravanamuttu, in the Asian Journal of Social Science!…Continue Reading Shane Barter and Gabby Garfunkel (2016) Publish Book Review!