INTS Guest Speaker: Heidi Hardt (Wed 16 November)

How NATO Remembers: Institutional Memory in Crisis Management Operations Dr. Heidi Hardt, UC Irvine Wednesday, 16 November at 5pm in Maathai 207 International organizations such as NATO have carried out hundreds of crisis management operations aimed at ending violence. Yet one strategic error in an operation can have deadly consequences. Scholars have widely examined organizational learning…Continue Reading INTS Guest Speaker: Heidi Hardt (Wed 16 November)

INTS Guest Speaker Nicholas Onuf (Wed 05 October)

“The Value of Theoretical Thinking” Nicholas Onuf, Professor Emeritus, Florida International University Wednesday, 05 October at 5pm in Maathai 207 Nicholas Onuf is credited with introducing constructivism to International Relations and has made additional contributions in the areas of international theory, international legal theory, and social theory. Dr. Onuf is Professor Emeritus of International Relations…Continue Reading INTS Guest Speaker Nicholas Onuf (Wed 05 October)

INTS alumnus Ian Zatkin-Osburn and Shane Barter publish a paper

INTS Professor Shane Barter and alumnus Ian Zatkin-Osburn have published a new article in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.  The article, “Measuring Religion in War: A Response“, is part of a conversation with noted scholar Isak Svensson about how we study religion in war….Continue Reading INTS alumnus Ian Zatkin-Osburn and Shane Barter publish a paper

Shane Barter and Gabby Garfunkel (2016) Publish Book Review!

International Studies Professor Shane Barter and alumna Gabby Garfunkel have published a review of Religious Diversity in Muslim-Majority States in Southeast Asia by Bernhard Platzdasch and Johan Saravanamuttu, in the Asian Journal of Social Science!…Continue Reading Shane Barter and Gabby Garfunkel (2016) Publish Book Review!