INTS offers a wide array of courses and areas for our students. At SUA, students are required to declare a concentration by the end of their second year of studies, but students may opt to do so at an earlier date. The Concentration Declaration form is available through Portal, under the Office of the Registrar (click here).

Course Information

In line with university policy, students who declare International Studies as their concentration must fulfill the following requirements:

  • A minimum of five courses (excluding independent or special study courses) selected from the INTS curriculum
  • Of these, a minimum of three courses taken at the 300- or 400-level

Course Description
You can find descriptions of each course offered at SUA on the University Catalog. For INTS course descriptions, click here.

Course Rotation
Concentration courses are offered on a four-year rotation, with certain courses offered only once or twice during the cycle. The INTS Course Rotation 2022-26 (updated March 2022) will show you what courses are planned to be offered in the coming semesters. Please note that the calendar is subject to changes based on faculty’ availability.

Course Syllabi
To help you decide which courses you wish to take, it is useful to look at its syllabus.  Nearly all INTS courses have past syllabi available through the Registrar’s Office on the Portal here (authentication needed). Please note that instructors usually modify their syllabi over time, and may sometimes revise them entirely. Please check with an instructor a few weeks before the semester begins to see if a current syllabus is available

Choosing, Declaring, and Pursuing your Concentration in INTS

The intention is for you to find an intellectual mentor to guide your progress through the concentration. Once you have declared INTS as your concentration, your first step is to meet with your faculty advisor. The registrar assigns an advisor to all first-year students at SUA. You may remain with that advisor throughout your time at SUA or change to an INTS faculty member by filling out the Change Advisor form, available through Portal under the Office of the Registrar (link here).

When you meet with your advisor during the academic advising period, come prepared with required forms. Meetings with your advisor, however, need not simply take place when you need a signature. As you progress through INTS, you should discuss your evolving curriculum plan with your advisor, tying together course work, internships (if any), study abroad, and the capstone project.

Capstone Project
All SUA students are required to complete a Capstone thesis in order to graduate.  Although part of the general education curriculum, the Capstone is overseen by the Concentrations. The Capstone thesis is a year-long process, from identifying a mentor, to completing Capstone 390 (research proposal), Capstone 400 (usually in the January Winter Block), and Capstone 450.

Capstone information is available through Portal, Academic Affairs, and Capstone.  Click here for Capstone information and forms of all students.  This folder includes forms for Capstone 390 (mentor identification, change mentor, and proposal approval forms), Capstone Policy Forms (such as calendars), and financial reimbursement forms.  Click here for Capstone information specific to INTS concentrators.  This folder includes guides and video tutorials for Capstone 390, the Capstone 400 progress form, and the Capstone 450 cover page and grading rubric.