INTS faculty encourage students to attend graduate school workshops or to contact the Graduate Admissions Advisor, Professor J. P. Kehlen (, for more information.  Students’ Academic Advisors can also be a good resource for information on pathways and programs.  You can find some information about Graduate School Applications and Fellowships on the student portal.

INTS Graduate School Partnerships

Soka University has partnerships with some leading southern California graduate programs.
-Claremont Graduate University (CGU) has worked with SUA to develop accelerated graduate programs in several areas, including International Studies.  This includes waiving admissions fees, recognizing SUA course credits to allow for a one year MA, no entrance tests such as the GRE, and Soka has scholarships available to students taking part in the program.  See this page for more details.
-INTS and SUA also have a new agreement Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of San Diego.  Details will be available soon, those interested can contact Lisa MacLeod